Friday, June 27, 2008

I had been
talking about wanting
a typewriter for a few months, probably.

she found one
bought it
paid to have it fixed
and gave it to me for Christmas.

at the time
it was one of
the best gifts I had ever gotten.

just the thing a kid
pretending to be a writer could have hoped for.

I may have used it twice.

it sits on the floor
of my bedroom
next to
a bag full of empty
the garbage can
and lamp.

it's broken
collecting dust

a lot like our relationship.

# "A pain stabbed my heart, as it did every time I saw a girl I loved who was going the opposite direction in this too-big world."-j.k.

that last night, I
nothing changed before I did.

I walked her to her car and watched as she drove off,
brake lights illuminating the distance
between my house
and 5th st.

she signaled, made the same left turn she had thousands of times before, and was gone.

and I haven't seen her since.